Saturday, July 30

Acad Oval walkabout in lieu of 'Ligo Na U, Lapit Na Me' screening

Read this post the way I shot the pictures in it: with The Smiths' Strangeways Here We Come album playing in the background.

Naked man standing in the rain.

It's so easy to photograph the Academic Oval it's ridiculous. In the morning, the light is pretty and the foliage lush; at night, the row of street lamps on either side of the road make for symmetry overload and bokeh ease. Rule of thirds? Just point your camera at the distance, up to where the road shrinks to a single point, and shoot.

Of course that doesn't excuse this photo for being bad.


I wonder why they paint these road markings with the first word at the bottom. I always read top-to-bottom, even when I'm in a car, don't you?

Capitalist elitist pa-deep laser gun.

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